How to create your own font?

To create your own font, you can use two free applications. Figma the program, where you will design and export vector graphic as SVG and the program which will put all SVG into a fully featured font. Applications: Figma – free online app [or commercial software...

PHP curl – issue with certificate – solved

If you ever try to use curl to download something over internet, you might often run in to the issue with curl certificates. This might look something like this: Step 1 – Find out the path of your PHP CLI installation using: which phporwhereis php Step 2 –...

How to install PHP phar files in Windows 10 in GitBash

What is PHIVE and how it can help us with phar file installation? Adding all the required tools like PHPUnit, PHPMD and phpDox in their matching versions to a project used to be a lot of repetitive work: Started by finding the download URL, figuring out what the...

WordPress – How to modify archive get_post function?

You can change the get_post function by hooking to pre_get_posts filter. For example, if you have custom post cars, with the archive under and you want to be able to pass a parameter like You would write the fallowing...