DevOps, IT, NginX, PHP, PHP tools, WebDevelopment
Installing Nginx on Windows Download NginX files from: Unzip to C\{name-version} (in my case it would be C:\nginx-1.25.4 directory). Open PowerShell as an Administrator and lunch server by typing cmd: start nginx Every time you...
Admin, Backup, DevOps, Linux, Unix
The most popular way of backing up your Linux system are rsync and dump. The difference is that when using dump you need to work on a full image, where the rsync allows you to access individual files. Backup using RSYNC command From your local machine: rsync -chavzP...
DevOps, Docker, mysql, PHP
Setting up MySQL docker container with phpMyAdmin. Spinning MySQL docker container On WIndows10. Just make sure to change “SYMFONY” to your actual Windows username.MySQL database should be saved in “downloads” directory. docker run –name...
DevOps, Docker, IT Help Desk
You can get container IP by inspecting the container ID or tag name. # docker inspect <containerIDorName> | grep \”IPAddress\”: docker inspect test4 | grep \”IPAddress\”: You can also get container ID by entering the container with exec...
DevOps, Symfony, Symfony 4, Symfony 5, WebDevelopment
Install scoop Installation under the administrator console has been disabled by default for security considerations. If you know what you are doing and want to install Scoop as administrator. Please download the installer and manually execute it with...
DevOps, Kubernetes, NginX, WebDevelopment
Prerequisites: Install Minikube (or use personal Cloud Cluster, for example AWS or Google Cloud)Install Kubectl * If you need help, see this Kubernetes setup tutorial Table of contents In this blog post, we will create a basic starter express application which will...