Create first DIVI builder module extension

Knowlade needed: PHP, WORDPRESSJS, REACTHTMLCSS Main resources: Step 1 – Set up development environment of your choice: Divi Development Environment Setup Step 2 – Generate a plugin boilerplate from...

Divi – change columns width with CSS

.ten-columns .et_pb_module {width: 10%; float: left;} .nine-columns .et_pb_module {width: 11.11%; float: left;} .eight-columns .et_pb_module {width: 12.5%; float: left;} .seven-columns .et_pb_module {width: 14.28%; float: left;} .six-columns .et_pb_module {width:...

Fix Featured Images Being Cropped in Divi

Using a Child Theme * If you do not have child theme set up go ahead and create one using this tutorial – Ultimate Guide to Creating a Divi Child Theme Once the Child Theme is active in functions.php add this PHP code: function...