Admin, Bash, Direct Admin, IT Help Desk, Linux, Linux CLI
There easy way to find large folders on Linux is to use du command. See the example commands: sudo find / -xdev -type f -size +1000M -exec du -sh {} \; The above command list all files larger than 1000M with it size. du -h -x / | sort -h -r | head -10 This command...
IT Help Desk, Linux, Linux CLI
Globs “Glob” is the common name for a set of Bash features that match or expand specific types of patterns. Some synonyms for globbing (depending on the context in which it appears) are pattern matching, pattern expansion, filename expansion, and so...
*, IT Help Desk, Linux, Linux CLI
Here we will present some commone commands used to connect and work with server. We will even write a simple bash script to make our life a bit easer to automate some of this tasks. So where do we start? Fosrs of all your hosting provider must to allow for SSH...