DevOps, IT, NginX, PHP, PHP tools, WebDevelopment
Installing Nginx on Windows Download NginX files from: Unzip to C\{name-version} (in my case it would be C:\nginx-1.25.4 directory). Open PowerShell as an Administrator and lunch server by typing cmd: start nginx Every time you...
PHP, PrestaShop, WebDevelopment
Before we start to develop a simple module / widget, we need to set up our development environment. For that, we will use docker. You can use docker on Linux, Mac, and Windows (WSL2), hoverer there are small differences in usage and performance between those...
DevOps, Docker, mysql, PHP
Setting up MySQL docker container with phpMyAdmin. Spinning MySQL docker container On WIndows10. Just make sure to change “SYMFONY” to your actual Windows username.MySQL database should be saved in “downloads” directory. docker run –name...