SSL Generator for: OpenVPN, nginx, MySQL, Apache, lighttpd, Regis, PostgreSQL, AWS, Exim, Tomcat, Oracle HTTP and few others… Open SSL generator at: When constructing OpenVPN on Debian, it was configured in a way that a single...
Use “echo” in docker When you use the RUN instruction with the echo command in a Dockerfile, the output from the echo command will be visible in the build logs, not in the container’s runtime logs. This means you’ll see the output when you...
Starting app structure: ./DockerfilePHP (file) FROM php:8.3-cli LABEL maintainer=”DevWL” # Install necessary extensions and tools RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ git \ unzip \ && docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql COPY . . COPY...
# check if branch is clean git status -s # create branch with no history git checkout –orphan flattened git add -A git commit -m “flattened” # git status -s git diff main..flattened # !!! This will overwrite remote main branch !!! git push origin...
What is Vagrant and why we use it? Vagrant is a tool to automate your virtual machine setup. Use vagrant init file to write a blueprint for your virtual machines. Vagrant configuration file is written in Ruby programming language. Configure providers and provisioners,...
In Windows 10/11, you will need to set config path to openssl (openssl.cnf file). You can find this file in PHP directory. If you have installed gash shell you can run: php.exe -i | grep ‘Configuration File’ In my case, I have installed PHP under...
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