PrestaShop Database

PrestaShop Database

Understanding PrestaShop. To be able to understand and think in PrestaShop. We first need to get to know the PrestaShop database. A model database is available for version (SQL Schema) [here]. However, for PrestaShop 1.7 The database structure of PrestaShop...

PrestaShop SQL useful Reports

Report 1 – Query sum of the products sold each month for each category in PrestaShop. Prestashop tabels: [ps_order_detail], [ps_orders], [ps_product], [ps_order_history] Combine aggregation function such as COCNAT and YEAR and DATE with multiple GROUP BY...

Turn off / Disable modules in PrestaShop using SQL

Reading this article you will learn what are default prestashop module and how to disable non default modules or any module of your choice using simple SQL query. Default modules list installed with PrestaShop SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(name ORDER BY id_module...