How to securely store passwords in a database.

Keeping your passwords in a database in a plane format is a very bad idea. So why not to use hashing? Sure you can use hash, end it is totally OK to compare hash against hash. Especially if the password you want to store are not yours. Then this is the way to do it...

Install Mysql Or MariaDB on WSL ubuntu

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade Install MySQL sudo apt install mysql-server mysql –version sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start If you want to secure MySQL by setting up the user pass, you can also run sudo mysql_secure_installation Allow remote access Allow...

Connecting PHP with MariaBD on Windows

Install NgineX start nginx Configure NgineX PHP CGI section like here: Install PHP-CGI Navigate to PHP directory and run: php-cgi.exe -b Install MariaDB Run MariaDB Change default port number 3036 to 3333 at...

NginX + PHP on Windows 10

Installing Nginx on Windows Download NginX files from: Unzip to C\{name-version} (in my case it would be C:\nginx-1.25.4 directory). Open PowerShell as an Administrator and lunch server by typing cmd: start nginx Every time you...