How to verify file signature?

To check if the file came from a legitimate source, we often need to compare file signature and checksum. But how do we do that? As an example, we will download a Cygwin installation file. Then we will check if the file came from a legitimate source by comparing a...

PHP Linked List with end and start List Node pointers

<?php class ListNode { public $data = NULL; public $next = NULL; function __construct(string $data = NULL) { $this->data = $data; } } class LinkedList { private $_firstNode = NULL; private $_lastNode = NULL; private $_totalNodes = 0; function insert(string $data =...

Why we love PHP 7?

Things to remember why PHP 7 is great. In PHP 7.0: New features: features PHP Sandbox online here Catch errors! We can catch errors or...
Convert windows path to WSL path format

Convert windows path to WSL path format

Let say that we want to cd to a windows explorer directory and we don’t want manually to rewrite all the backslashes. We could write a bash cmd which does just that. cd $(echo ‘C:\laragon\www\docker\phpfpm-mysql-nginx’ | sed ‘s/\\/\//g’ |...
What should you know as a PHP developer?

What should you know as a PHP developer?

As PHP developer, you need to know some common concepts and techniques that help you to write better code and provide solid solutions. It is also important to implement the right tools for the job. Tooling, development practices and development process methodology. If...