Best WP local development environment setup
1A – Local by FlyWheel
For fast local development/ dev env setup dedicated for WordPress installation, you can use Local by FlyWheel. Be sure to make use of its blueprints functionality.
You can also add Local extensions for debugging your WP site/plugin development!
1B – Laragon
Laragon is also a great tool for the job. It also allows you to configure development environment not only for WordPress installation but also for any other PHP app.
Pick your weapon!
Plugin and theme management
You can use Composer with Bedrock and repository to install any plugins in a composer defined version. See wordpress-developer-way-of-managing-plugins-on-the-site.
Also, nothing stopping you to use wp-cli to setup all basic pages and make other configuration from a cli.
Want more? Write a custom bash script that does it all.
Not enough? Write a bash script that does it all for you. And make it superfast! See automate-laragon-to-generate-wp-site-ready-to-develop-in-less-then-10s. Sky is the limit.