Propagation is a process of distributing information between servers on where the given domain is pointing. Propaation can take up to 48h however after just few hours we might be able to access our site from new serwer (in our location). This does not mean that all user would be able to access the site. Vary of user locatin they might be able or not to connect to sites new serwer. This might be important for your comapny emails. You want to keep an eye on your imbox on both serwers during propagation as the mail may go to old or new serwer interchangable.
Before you edit your DNS think of how it can impact your customers and comunication flow. Pick the right time for a DNS swap and start it at late night when you do not expect to get any important emails.
DNS Propagation MAP
If you want to make sure that your DNS change come to an end, check your domain name using
If all the changes are finished you will see the corect NS record name marked as green.
It is very easy and pleasent way to check if your DNS propagation ended.
Look up more infromation about a domain
For more infromaction about the domin you can check WHO IS online domein checker at