PrestaShop Database

PrestaShop Database

Understanding PrestaShop. To be able to understand and think in PrestaShop. We first need to get to know the PrestaShop database. A model database is available for version (SQL Schema) [here]. However, for PrestaShop 1.7 The database structure of PrestaShop...

API documentation platforms

En example of API documentation tools for your API platforms based on examples of some successful companies: InPost – uses Confluence InPost company is using Confluence to describe their shipping API. See example of their documentation...

Automatic file

Automate file synchronization between local machine and server FTP. Install WinSCPCreate script and .bat file (click to run)or automatically run .bat file Download files only Upload files only Bidirectional transfer Automate execution of a Windows .bat file, which...

Windows 10—How to Share a Whole Drive on local network

How to share a whole drive in a small local network (without Windows server). Basic scenario for a small local network like router and switch connecting two or three PC station sharing Windows 10 operating system. Already tried? You have created a shared folder, but...

PHP Linked List with end and start List Node pointers

<?php class ListNode { public $data = NULL; public $next = NULL; function __construct(string $data = NULL) { $this->data = $data; } } class LinkedList { private $_firstNode = NULL; private $_lastNode = NULL; private $_totalNodes = 0; function insert(string $data =...

PHP float number not add up

Why my numbers are not equal PHP? Floating point precision Floating point numbers have limited precision. Although it depends on the system, PHP typically uses the IEEE 754 double precision format, which will give a maximum relative error due to rounding in the order...

Division in PHP

Do we still need intdiv() since PHP 8.0 / operator supports error throwing when dividing by 0? intdiv(10, 3) == 3;intdiv(-10, 3) == -3; (int)(10 / 3) == 3;(int)(-10 / 3) == -3; floor(10/3) == 3;floor(-10/3) == -4; <?php $start1 = microtime(true); $i = 1; while ($i...

PHP division by 0

Divide by 0 in PHP How the division by 0 behave in PHP8, PHP7, PHP5 PHP has evolved in the last few years. Before when dividing by 0 we only get a warning. This behaviour did not change until php8, where numeric division 10 / 0 resulted in rasing an Error...

PHP one directional linked list

To create a list, we need to declare two classes, List Node and Linked List classes. Basic PHP one directional linked list PHP Linked list and its methods <?php class ListNode { public $data = NULL; public $next = NULL; function __construct(string $data = NULL) {...