VPS DirectAdmin running out of space

Login to your VPS with SSH Find all files larger them 500 MB find / -type f -size +500M -exec ls -lh {} \; List root dir sizes. Or any current folder (run without /) du -h –max-depth=1 / Remove specific files: sudo rm -R...

Auto tagging in Google Ads

G to your account tab, from there click on to Account Settings and find campaign URL settings: function main() { var adGroupIterator = AdsApp.adGroups().withCondition(“CampaignStatus = ENABLED”).get(); while (adGroupIterator.hasNext()) { var adGroup =...

Storing password in git?

To store passwords in GIT you need to be able to encrypt and decrypt the password. You can do that using GPG tool. Both tools are available for a variety of platforms. See the instruction below on how to install the tooling and at the very end how to use them to store...

Mounting a Windows network drive on WLS

By default, you have no access to windows network directories. Those are not visible or accessible unless you will mount them in /mnt/somedir folder. Firts lets crete a folder with in mnt directory that will be then mounted to our network drive. sudo mkdir...

How to verify file signature?

To check if the file came from a legitimate source, we often need to compare file signature and checksum. But how do we do that? As an example, we will download a Cygwin installation file. Then we will check if the file came from a legitimate source by comparing a...