IT, IT Help Desk, WordPress
Login to your database and run query: SELECT * FROM wp_mds_options WHERE option_name = ‘active_plugins’; The result would look like:...
DevOps, IT, NginX, PHP, PHP tools, WebDevelopment
Installing Nginx on Windows Download NginX files from: Unzip to C\{name-version} (in my case it would be C:\nginx-1.25.4 directory). Open PowerShell as an Administrator and lunch server by typing cmd: start nginx Every time you...
Admin, Bash, Direct Admin, IT Help Desk, Linux, Linux CLI
There easy way to find large folders on Linux is to use du command. See the example commands: sudo find / -xdev -type f -size +1000M -exec du -sh {} \; The above command list all files larger than 1000M with it size. du -h -x / | sort -h -r | head -10 This command...
Admin, Backup, DevOps, Linux, Unix
The most popular way of backing up your Linux system are rsync and dump. The difference is that when using dump you need to work on a full image, where the rsync allows you to access individual files. Backup using RSYNC command From your local machine: rsync -chavzP...