Trying to move all products from one category to another in PrestaShop?

Play with this sql: (Note to remove comments as they may trigger SQL errors in this online application)

 author: Wiktor Liszkiewicz
 test at:
 This scripts moves products from one category to another and also clenup the source category-product entry if the data is already asigned to destination category..
 -- create table as in PrestaShop (clone) from
 CREATE TABLE PREFIX_category_product (
   id_category int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   id_product int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   position int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
   PRIMARY KEY (id_category, id_product),
   INDEX (id_product),
   INDEX (id_category, position)
 -- insert demo data set I
 INSERT INTO PREFIX_category_product (id_category, id_product, position)
 (0, 5416, 1),
 (1, 5416, 1),
 (2, 5416, 1),
 (3, 5416, 1),
 (0, 5418, 2),
 (1, 5418, 2),
 (2, 5418, 2),
 (3, 5418, 2);
 -- insert demo data set II
 INSERT INTO PREFIX_category_product (id_category, id_product, position)
 (4, 2000, 1),
 (5, 2000, 1),
 (4, 5000, 2),
 (5, 5000, 2);
 -- check table data
 SELECT * FROM PREFIX_category_product;
 -- enter products id manualy or fint them wi query below
 -- define category
 SET @OLDCAT := 4;
 SET @NEWCAT := 0;
 -- set @STARTINGPOS position starting number will be 0 + 1 
 -- or set @STARTINGPOS to the highest position value + 1 if category already have products 
 select @STARTINGPOS := MAX(position) from PREFIX_category_product where id_category = @NEWCAT;
 -- select @STARTINGPOS; -- debug
 START TRANSACTION; -- start transation
 -- update category where id_product is in old category and is not in new category (cleen up later with DELETE query)
 UPDATE PREFIX_category_product 
     SET id_category = @NEWCAT,
     position = (select @STARTINGPOS := @STARTINGPOS + 1)
     WHERE id_category = @OLDCAT 
     AND id_product IN 
     (SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id_product FROM PREFIX_category_product WHERE id_category = @OLDCAT) AS t1)
     and id_product NOT IN 
     (SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT  id_product FROM PREFIX_category_product WHERE id_category = @NEWCAT) AS t2);
 -- remove products and category set if not moved because they are already assigned to new category destination
 DELETE FROM PREFIX_category_product WHERE id_product IN
     (SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id_product FROM PREFIX_category_product WHERE id_category = @OLDCAT) AS t3)
     AND id_category = @OLDCAT;
 COMMIT; -- end transation
 SELECT * FROM PREFIX_category_product;

Will output:

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