DevWL – Blog
Wiktor Liszkiewicz
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Blog Posts:
Best programming fonts? CaskaydiaCove NF vs Fira Code.
Two most popular programming fonts CaskaydiaCove NF and Fira Code. Both very similar in terms of features. Which ever you pick, both are a great choice. CaskaydiaCove NF Nerdfontss - link Fira Code Google fonts - link
PrestaShop plugin / widget development – Setting up development environment for PrestaShop with docker.
Before we start to develop a simple module / widget, we need to set up our development environment. For that, we will use docker. You can use docker on Linux, Mac, and Windows (WSL2), hoverer there are small differences in usage and performance between those...
Storing password in git?
To store passwords in GIT you need to be able to encrypt and decrypt the password. You can do that using GPG tool. Both tools are available for a variety of platforms. See the instruction below on how to install the tooling and at the very end how to use them to store...
Docker PHP 2022
GitHub https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuSWKx9FSso https://www.pascallandau.com/blog/docker-from-scratch-for-php-applications-in-2022/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6gaVR21fnw&list=PLScVLZNShARRTO-ebug0yzbiXDxtw0rtg&index=10
Mounting a Windows network drive on WLS
By default, you have no access to windows network directories. Those are not visible or accessible unless you will mount them in /mnt/somedir folder. Firts lets crete a folder with in mnt directory that will be then mounted to our network drive. sudo mkdir...
How to verify file signature?
To check if the file came from a legitimate source, we often need to compare file signature and checksum. But how do we do that? As an example, we will download a Cygwin installation file. Then we will check if the file came from a legitimate source by comparing a...
Windows 10/11 – Copy & Replace only new or modified files. Skip same/unchanged files.
Skipping unchanged/unmodified files using Copy&Paste on Windows? Did you ever try how to move a whole directory to a backup folder, skipping all files which were not changed? This can not be done with simple copy/paste in Windows GUI. However, Windows already has...
PrestaShop Database
Understanding PrestaShop. To be able to understand and think in PrestaShop. We first need to get to know the PrestaShop database. A model database is available for version (SQL Schema) [here]. However, for PrestaShop 1.7 The database structure of PrestaShop...
Docker setup MySQL with phpMyAdmin on Windows10/11
Setting up MySQL docker container with phpMyAdmin. Spinning MySQL docker container On WIndows10. Just make sure to change "SYMFONY" to your actual Windows username.MySQL database should be saved in "downloads" directory. docker run --name mysql-server_v2 -d...
API documentation platforms
En example of API documentation tools for your API platforms based on examples of some successful companies: InPost - uses Confluence https://www.atlassian.com/ InPost company is using Confluence to describe their shipping API. See example of their documentation here...
Automatic file
Automate file synchronization between local machine and server FTP. Install WinSCPCreate script and .bat file (click to run)or automatically run .bat file Download files only https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndvEYOQLc4c Upload files only...
Windows 10—How to Share a Whole Drive on local network
How to share a whole drive in a small local network (without Windows server). Basic scenario for a small local network like router and switch connecting two or three PC station sharing Windows 10 operating system. Already tried? You have created a shared folder, but...
CodePen – JS Mini Projects
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