There is a one line solution to change WordPress site administrator email without waiting for email confirmation. You just need to access your database using phpMyAdmin or directly through SSH and mysql -u -p -h -P -D
Once you set and ready to run SQL, execute the fallowing query:
# See whats there before you change it
SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'admin_email';
# Change / update WordPress administrator email
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = '' WHERE option_name = 'admin_email';
If you log in through SSH you can run the fallowing command:
mysql -u usernamehere -p'yourdbpasshere' \
-h -P 3306 \
-D yourdatabasename
Sometimes you don’t need all the above code since the server you are connecting to can be located on same machine as your site you could do just that:
mysql -u usernamehere -p'yourdbpasshere' -D yourdatabasename
#or even
mysql -u usernamehere -p'yourdbpasshere'
If you developing locally you could simple use this:
mysql -u root -p''
Once you enter mysql interactive client you can run the “UPDATE” SQL previously presented. If you have any question feel free to leave comment below.